DTPA 5Na 40% 50% CAS 140-01-2 DTPA Pentasodium

DTPA 5Na 40% 50% CAS 140-01-2 DTPA Pentasodium


Product name: DTPA 5Na

Synonyms: DTPA 5NA 40%, DTPA 5NA 50%, DTPA Pentasodium 40% solution, DTPA Na5,

40% solution of pentasodium diethylene triaminepentaacetic acid pentasodium salt

CAS No. : 140-01-2

Molecular formula: C14H18N3O10Na5

Category: DTPA Series, Pentasodium DTPA Chelating Agent

DTPA 5Na Specifications

ItemSpecification ISpecification II
AppearanceYellowish Transparent Liquid
Chelating value



(1% aqueous solution, 25 ℃)

Chloride (CL)≤0.005%≤0.005%
Density(g/mg,25 ℃)1.250-1.3501.250-1.400

DTPA 5Na Use

AgriculturalDTPA 5NA is a chelating agent trace elements in agriculture.

DTPA 5NA is a chelating agent trace elements in agriculture.

It offers essential nutrient elements to plants such as iron, zinc and manganese.

Such elments form stable complexes that are more easily absorbed by plant roots.

Water Treatment

DTPA 5NA sequesters or removes heavy metals in water. It prevents metal ions from reacting with other substances.


In pulp bleaching,DTPA 5NA 40% is a bleaching stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide, which has significant synergistic and stabilizing effects.

It is commonly used in the deinking process of waste paper, where the deinking agent is added simultaneously during pulping.

In addition, DTPA 5NA also has a strong complexing (chelating) effect on multivalent color developing metal ions,

transforming the color developing metal ions into colorless water-soluble complexes. Thereby it can improve the brightness of the pulp.


textile printing, dyeing industry auxiliaries, metal plating and electronics manufacturing.

It is helpful to remove or control metal impurities in solutions, which prevents unwanted reactions or product contamination.


DTPA 5NA is commonly used as a contrast agent in medical imaging and metal chelation therapy.

DTPA 5NA removes heavy metals, such as lead, from the body.

It forms stable complexes with these metals, then excludes through urine.


250kg/drum or 1250kg/IBC drum


Store in cool and dry air-flowing area preventing sunlight. Shelf life:two years.

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